济南万顺铸业有限公司 球墨井盖比同类型灰口铸铁井盖轻30%左右。球墨井盖牌号采用QT500-7,铁水出炉温度不低于1450℃,在球化处理时增配稀土硅铁镁合金和选用含硫量底的焦碳,球化级别达三级以上。 Compared with the same type of ductile cast iron manhole covers about 30% light. The QT500-7 grade ductile iron manhole cover, the tapping temperature not lower than 1450 DEG C, the spheroidizing treatment with rare earth ferrosilicon magnesium alloy and the sulfur content of the bottom of the coke, nodulizing grade more than three grade. 1、因铸铁中存在石墨,球墨铸铁中的石墨以球形状形式**,并不影响基体材料的力学和机械性能, 1, due to the presence of graphite cast iron, nodular graphite cast iron in the form of pure ball shape, does not affect the mechanical and mechanical properties of the matrix material, 2 井盖等产品受使用条件和环境影响,如锈蚀、酸雨及地下管网系统气体腐蚀、汽车轮胎对其磨损,其有效承载厚度不断减少。 2 covers and other products by the conditions of use and environmental impact, such as corrosion, acid rain and underground pipeline system for gas corrosion, the wear of automobile tires, the effective bearing thickness decreasing. 3、球墨井盖抵抗这些因素影响的能力大于其他井盖,而且当有效承载厚度减少时,球墨铸铁井盖的承载能力下降幅度只有其他井盖承载力下降幅度的三分之一左右 3, the ability to resist these influence factors of ductile iron manhole cover than other covers, and when the effective bearing thickness is reduced, the bearing capacity of ductile iron manhole cover decreased only covers about 1/3 of the decline of bearing capacity 4、其他材质井盖等产品的失效形式表现为突然断裂和破碎,从而在地面突然形成黑洞。球墨铸铁井盖的失效形式表现为弯曲变形。 The failure form of 4 and other materials to cover other products for sudden breaking and crushing, thus forming a black hole in the ground suddenly. The failure form of ductile iron manhole cover performance for bending deformation. 5、为防止井盖安装在户外时被人盗走,井盖上可配锁具,上述锁定装置同时使用,形成一个完整的防盗装置 5, in order to prevent the manhole cover installation was stolen in the outdoors, the manhole cover can be matched with the lock, and the lock device, to form a complete anti-theft device 济南万顺铸业有限公司(井盖咨询电话——),从事山东球墨铸铁井盖,铸铁栏杆,山东铸铁护栏的生产销售,品质认证,值得信赖!坚持用户满意,是我们永远的追求,我们将以较低廉的价格为您提供较高质量的产品,较完善的售后服务,为管道铸造市场的发展做出应有的贡献! 济南万顺铸业有限公司**铸造厂生产各种规格暖气片;*二铸造厂生产铸铁艺术围墙,仿古欧式艺术大门,平开,推拉,电动不锈钢伸缩门;*三铸造厂生产污水井盖,马路雨水篦子、排水铸铁管材、管件、柔性(A,W型)排水管件,机制铸管;*四铸造厂生产给水球墨、铸铁管件、管件、各种汽车配件。以上产品价格合理、信守合同。并承揽各种铸造加工业务。 济南万顺铸业有限公司诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。 济南万顺铸业有限公司 济南市天桥区刘万顺铸铁管件经营部 电话:0531-85815461 手机:/18753109752 联系人:刘经理 地址:山东省济南市天桥区金牛建材市场 公司网址 预糊化淀粉/ 济南外贸快车总代理 中国升降机制造网:升降机 济南微信营销,济南微营销,济南微信推广: 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网*!