(一)防偷盗:该合成材料无回收价值,自然防盗;并设有锁定结构,实现井内财物防盗。能彻底杜绝“城市黑洞”事故的发生。 The utility model has the advantages of no recovery value, natural anti-theft, and locking structure, and the utility model realizes the property theft in the well. To completely eliminate the "black hole" accident. (二)耐候性强:该产品选用分子量大、化学稳定 性强的高分子量材料做原料,通过科学的配方、先的工艺、完善的技术设备使该产品能在-50℃—+150℃正常使用。 (two) strong weatherability: high molecular weight material the product is made of high molecular weight, high chemical stability of raw materials, through scientific formula, the first process, improve the technology and equipment can make the product at -50 DEG C - +150 normal use. (三)精度高:由于该产品是经高温模压成型,盖座合缝间隙较小,克服了铸铁,水泥类井盖“跑、跳、响”等问题,提高了道路通行能力和行车舒适度。 (three) high precision: because this product is high temperature molding, seat seam small gap overcomes iron, cement covers "run, jump, sound and other issues, improve the traffic capacity and driving comfort. (四)耐腐蚀。产品经国家化学建材测试中心检测,具有明显的耐酸碱、耐腐蚀能 (four) corrosion resistance. Products by the national chemical building materials testing center testing, with obvious acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance (五)强度高:采用高分子合成材料,配以钢筋骨架,经高温模压成型,较高检测结果达54吨,符合和**过*人民共和国建设部颁布的较新CJ/T211-2005标准。 (five) high strength: using synthetic polymer materials, with steel skeleton, after high temperature molding, the highest detection results of 54 tons, and in accordance with the Ministry of Construction issued more than People's Republic of China in the latest CJ/T211-2005 standard. (六)外观美:检查井盖表面花纹设计精美,可制成各种颜色,美化城市环境。 (six) the beautiful appearance: manhole cover surface pattern design is exquisite, can be made into various colors, beautify the city environment. (七)重量轻:产品重量仅为铸铁的三分之一左右,便于运输、安装、抢修,大大减轻了劳动强度。 (seven) light weight: the weight of the product is only about 1/3 of cast iron, easy to transport, installation, repair, greatly reducing the intensity of labor. 济南万顺铸业有限公司从事山东球墨铸铁井盖,铸铁栏杆,山东铸铁护栏的生产销售,品质认证,值得信赖!坚持用户满意,是我们永远的追求,我们将以较低廉的价格为您提供较高质量的产品,较完善的售后服务,为管道铸造市场的发展做出应有的贡献! 济南万顺铸业有限公司诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。 济南万顺铸业有限公司 济南市天桥区刘万顺铸铁管件经营部 联系人:刘经理 地址:山东省济南市天桥区金牛建材市场 公司网址 预糊化淀粉/ 济南外贸快车总代理 中国升降机制造网:升降机 济南微信营销,济南微营销,济南微信推广: 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网*!